Contribute Course Material

Why the name THOMAS?

In honor of Thomas Cover and Joy Thomas who were pioneers in teaching information theory.

How can I access the content of a course?

Please, note that the material of THOMAS can be accessed only by registered users. Please, use the “Sign up” button at the top of the page to register. Registration to THOMAS is exclusive to scholars teaching information theory or related areas. In particular, registration to THOMAS is not allowed to students.

What should I check before submitting a course?

We strongly encourage you to read the Terms of Use of THOMAS available at this page, which governs users' access to and use of IEEE THOMAS. Inside this document, you can find useful information such as ownership rights and responsibilities.

How can I create/contribute a course?

You have two options. On the landing page, click on “Contribute course material”; this will direct you to a new page where you will need to click on the “Upload” button. Alternatively, you can add a new course from “My Account” by clicking on “Click here to add a new course” located at the end of the page.

How to get my course approved?

Once you have created your new course (see FAQ related to how to create/contribute a course), please make sure to select “Save as: Submit for Review” at the bottom of the page. You can then click on “Save and Add course”: this will automatically send an email to the Editor of IEEE THOMAS who will approve your course. As indicated in the terms of use, the Editor is not responsible for editing, modifying, filtering, screening, monitoring, endorsing or guaranteeing any content, but rather that the material is in compliance with the rules of IEEE THOMAS.

Who is in charge of approving courses?

Courses are approved by the Editor(s) of THOMAS who is a member of the committee (click here to read more about the committee behind this initiative).

How long does it take to get my course approved?

We will do our best to approve your course in a timely manner. If you have any concerns regarding this, please feel to contact us by filling the form available at this link.

How can I edit an existing course? How can I add some new content to a course?

You have two options. On the landing page, click on “Contribute course material”; this will direct you to a new page where you will need to click on “Access/edit previously uploaded courses”. Alternatively, you can edit an existing course or add new content directly from the “My Account”page.